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Dwight Seon Stewart

Recording Artist, Poet, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Songwriter

Dwight is passionate about humankind. He has focused that passion into beautiful, thought provoking music, poetry and clothing that is redeeming, restorative and inspirational. Click on the Menu bar to shop. Scroll down to check out his new album AKASHIC, as well as NOW YOU KNOW. Your donations go along way in supporting conscious, humanitarian and practical new solutions that empower people. Proceeds that we receive will support other organizations, projects, courses and training that encourage the knowledge and mastery of ourselves. Authenticity, coherence and the alignment of mind, body, soul are essential in the creation of a beautiful existence for generations to come. You may also purchase books, clothing with a message or personalized services including your own publication. 

Spring Mountain

Spoken Poetry

Spoken Poetry

Spoken Poetry
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Mother Earth (Organic Mix Video)

Mother Earth (Organic Mix Video)

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Real People

Real People

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Do Your Own Thing

Do Your Own Thing

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Your true authentic self is a magnanimous giant.

George Kavassilas

Mount Fuji in the Spring

Complete Collection

I Know How People Die Cover.jpg

i know how people die

I'm Talking

I'm Talkin: A Collection of Colloquial Poetry and Spoken Word zooms into personal love and, at times, zooms out to the cosmic perspective that humbles us all. There are calls to action, to be better. And Stewart helps us see, that if we look cosmically, the short-run every-man-for-himself-game hasn’t been working out too well. Because of his ability to see the short and the long vision, the poetic voice emerges sometimes as prophetic, mythic- extraterrestrial. -Bradley Samore

I'm Talking is the latest title from Spirited. These provocative writings will push, pull, entrance and enhance you.


Click on the link below to order from Amazon:

Dwight Stewart I'm Talkin.jpg


Get in touch to discover more writings by "Spirited" and to follow his speaking engagements and literary adventures.

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Dwight Seon Stewart “Spirited” began writing poetry at the age of seven with a poem titled Spring. Little did he know that the seeds of a poet had taken root at an early age. This gift slept dormant until he crafted the poem Egyptian Woman found in his first major publication, i know how people die. His romance with his wife inspired him to write the bi-lingual book, Passion for Spain: An Andalusian Love Story. Through his journey he has come to realize that all is never lost, for true power and self-determination comes from the sanctuary within.

 Dwight wears poetry on his smile which is contagious- beaming rays of light, illuminating his pride and humility. His messages of consciousness, love, and human empowerment are realized as his audiences allow the spirit of peace and joy to exist at their hearts center. Spirited poetry inspires renewal; mentally, physically and spiritually in ways that celebrate humanity. He is a poet, songwriter, educator, lyricist and scholar.

Dwight continues to push literary boundaries as his writings span 3 decades. His work has been critiqued as prophetic, wise and inspirational. In a world full of challenge and uncertainty he maintains that we must use our divine power to create the bountiful and beautiful existence that we were destined to experience. 

HeavenScent Publishing, Inc.



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